My Belief in Luck: A Reflection

"Exploring my thoughts and experiences with luck and how it has impacted my life."

In response to

Sunday Poser # 124

This week Sadje wants us to reply her question.

Do you believe in luck?

Image from Sadje

I do believe in luck to some extent. I believe that sometimes unexpected and fortunate events occur that are beyond our control, and we refer to them as "luck." However, I also believe that our actions and decisions play a significant role in shaping our lives and that we can create our own luck to a certain extent through hard work and determination.

For example, if someone works hard towards their goals and puts themselves in situations where opportunities are more likely to arise, they are increasing their chances of experiencing positive outcomes. In this sense, luck can be seen as a combination of opportunity and preparation.

On the other hand, there are also instances where bad luck seems to strike out of nowhere, such as unexpected accidents or illnesses. In these situations, it can be difficult to see any rhyme or reason to the events that have occurred, and it can be easy to attribute them to simply being "unlucky."

Overall, I believe that luck is a complex and mysterious force that we may never fully understand. While it is important to recognize that we do not have control over everything that happens in our lives, we can still take action to increase our chances of success and happiness.


  1. Very well said Inkwell. We can never have total control over what happens in our lives and to us.


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