The Broken Doll's Reflection

"A fashion doll reflects on the changes she's undergone after being broken into pieces."

In response to

Fandango’s Flash Fiction Challenge #214

Image from Viktor Forgacs at Unsplash

I lay on the ground, disassembled, and left to rot. As I looked at my broken pieces, I couldn't help but wonder how I got here. Was it my fault that I ended up like this? Could I have done something to prevent it?

There was a time when I was new, fresh out of the box. I was stunning, with my plastic skin unblemished, and my joints supple and smooth. I was the embodiment of beauty and fashion, cherished by children and adults alike. But as time went on, I lost my sheen. My once-perfect clothes became frayed and worn, and my hair became knotted and limp.

I remembered the day when I was dropped, my head yanked off my body, and the moment when my arm was torn from its socket. I thought I was useless, beyond repair, and ready for the trash heap. But as I lay there, shattered, I realized that my value wasn't in my physical appearance but in the memories I created.

I thought back to the little girl who played with me for hours, her eyes lighting up every time she saw me. I also remembered the elderly woman who would cradle me in her lap and tell me stories from her childhood. I may have been in pieces, but my spirit and my essence still held great value. I was more than just a fashion doll; I was a symbol of love, happiness, and memories that would never fade away.

As I lay there, I felt a sense of serenity envelop me. Despite being broken and discarded, I was still cherished and loved. I had touched people's lives, and that was something that could never be taken away from me. I realized that my worth wasn't determined by my appearance, but rather by the memories that I created for those who held me dear.

And so, as I lay there, my pieces strewn across the ground, I knew that I would never be forgotten. My spirit would live on in the hearts and minds of those who cherished me, and that was all that mattered.

Dear readers,

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you who have taken the time to read my blog posts. Your support and interest in my writing means the world to me, and I cannot thank you enough for your time and attention.

I write to share my thoughts, ideas, and experiences, and it brings me immense joy to know that my words have resonated with you in some way. Your comments, feedback, and encouragement have been a source of inspiration for me to continue writing and exploring new topics.

Please know that I value your readership and appreciate your presence in my writing journey. I will continue to do my best to provide insightful and engaging content that you will find enjoyable and informative.

Once again, thank you for being a part of my community of readers.

Warm regards.


  1. Great way to tell the tale of a once cherished doll, now physically discarded, but always remembered.

    1. Thank you, Fandango! I'm glad you enjoyed the tale. It's always interesting to think about the sentimental value we attach to physical objects, even when they may no longer have any practical use. Sometimes, it's the memories and emotions they evoke that make them so important to us. 😊


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