Mezza Luna: A Serene Moment by the Lake

"The half-moon casts a tranquil glow over the still waters of the lake, bringing a sense of balance and peace to the moment."

Haibun Monday 2-27-23: Mezza Luna

Photo by Janko Ferlic

The Mezza Luna casts a gentle light across the still waters of the lake. The tranquility of the night is palpable as I sit by the shore, breathing in the fresh scent of the earth.

The half-moon hangs low in the sky, a silver crescent that seems to smile down upon me. I feel a sense of peace wash over me as if the moon's serene beauty has the power to calm the chaos within me.

At this moment, I am reminded of the cycles of life. The Mezza Luna represents a midpoint, a place where light and dark meet. It reminds me that there is always a balance and that even in the darkest moments, there is a glimmer of hope.

As I watch the Mezza Luna in its silent ascent, I am filled with a sense of gratitude for the simple beauty of nature. I feel humbled by the vastness of the universe and the intricate dance of its elements.

The Mezza Luna guides me 
To a place of calm and balance 
Nature's beauty soothes


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