The Dragon Within Me: A Journey of Self-Discovery

"Discovering the dragon within and overcoming fear and self-doubt"

Inspired by - Story Prompt Sunday #4: D is for Dragon

Photo by Axel Sandoval

As a child, I was always fascinated by stories of dragons. I would read books, watch movies, and even draw my own versions of mythical creatures. To me, dragons represented power, strength, and adventure. But as I grew older, my fascination turned into something more meaningful.

I realized that dragons were not just fictional beasts, but symbolized something deeper. Dragons represented the challenges and obstacles we face in life. Just like how knights had to slay the dragon to save the princess, we too had to overcome our fears and obstacles to achieve our goals.

My personal dragon was my fear of failure. I was always afraid of trying new things or taking risks because I feared failure. But one day, I decided to face my dragon head-on. I took a chance and applied for a job that I thought was beyond my capabilities. To my surprise, I got the job.

As I continued to face my fears, I realized that the dragon within me was not as scary as I thought it was. It was just a figment of my imagination, a manifestation of my doubts and insecurities.

Today, I see dragons differently. Instead of representing fear, they represent strength and courage. They represent the power within us to overcome any challenge that comes our way. And just like the knights of old, we can slay our dragons and emerge victorious.

So, I keep a small figurine of a dragon on my desk to remind me of my journey. It reminds me of the battles I've won and the challenges I've overcome. It reminds me to always face my fears and never let them hold me back. And most importantly, it reminds me that I have the power to slay my dragons and achieve my dreams.


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