The Coughing Chronicles: A Journey to Better Health

"A personal reflection on the challenges of overcoming a persistent cough."

Coughing – Word of the Day Challenge

Image from Adobe Stock

Coughing. It's been a constant in my life for as long as I can remember. As a child, I had asthma and would cough all the time. My mom would rub Vicks on my chest and back, and I would take my inhaler multiple times a day. But even as I grew older and my asthma improved, the coughing remained.

It wasn't just physical coughing either. I found myself coughing up words I didn't mean to say. Coughing up emotions I didn't want to feel. Coughing up mistakes I wished I could take back. It was like my body and my mind were constantly at odds, and the coughing was the physical manifestation of that struggle.

I tried to ignore it, to push it down and pretend it wasn't there. But the more I tried to suppress it, the louder it became. The coughing would keep me up at night, interrupt my conversations, and leave me feeling exhausted and defeated.

It wasn't until I started seeing a therapist that I began to understand the root of my coughing. We talked about my childhood, my relationships, and my fears. We dug deep and uncovered the emotions and experiences that had been causing me to cough all these years.

Through therapy, I learned to accept my coughing. Instead of fighting it, I learned to listen to it. To pay attention to what my body and my mind were trying to tell me. And slowly but surely, the coughing began to subside.

Of course, there are still times when it flares up. Times when I find myself coughing uncontrollably, whether it's from a cold or a stressful situation. But now, instead of feeling ashamed or embarrassed, I embrace it. I take a deep breath, cough it out, and move on.

Because the thing about coughing is that it's not just a physical act. It's a reminder that we are human. That we are flawed and imperfect, but also capable of growth and change. So now, when I cough, I see it as an opportunity to learn and to heal. And for that, I am grateful.


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