The Monarch's Journey

"A poem reflecting on the awe-inspiring journey of the Monarch butterfly"

In response to

Calling All Early Birds

Today, we’d like to challenge you to write a poem that plays with the idea of a “fun fact.” Your fact could actually be fun – or the whole point could be that it’s not fun.

Amidst the trees, the birds, and the bees,
I find a joy that puts me at ease.
A world of wonder, that never fails,
To surprise me with its endless tales.

A fun fact I learned, just yesterday,
About a creature that flies all the way,
From Canada to Mexico's land,
The Monarch butterfly, so grand.

A journey of thousands of miles,
This insect's adventure never wanes nor tires.
Through obstacles and danger, it soars,
A symbol of hope and strength it roars.

So as I stand, in this peaceful place,
I am humbled by nature's grace,
And the Monarch's journey, so profound,
Teaches me to keep going, never give up, and always be around.

Here are some fun facts about the Monarch butterfly:

  1. The Monarch butterfly is known for its incredible migration. Every year, Monarchs travel up to 3,000 miles from Canada to Mexico to escape the colder temperatures.
  2. The wingspan of a Monarch butterfly can range from 3 to 4 inches.
  3. Monarchs are known for their bright orange and black wings, which serve as a warning to predators that they are poisonous.
  4. Monarch butterflies go through four stages of metamorphosis - egg, larva, pupa, and adult butterfly.
  5. The caterpillars of Monarch butterflies only eat milkweed plants, which contain toxins that make the Monarch poisonous to predators.
  6. The lifespan of a Monarch butterfly is relatively short, with most living only 2-6 weeks.
  7. Monarch butterflies are known for their incredible ability to navigate using the position of the sun, as well as the Earth's magnetic field.
  8. Monarch butterflies are not able to fly in temperatures below 55 degrees Fahrenheit.
  9. Monarch butterfly populations have declined in recent years due to habitat loss and pesticide use.
  10. The Monarch butterfly is the state insect of Texas and Minnesota in the United States.


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