Finding Balance: A Personal Perspective

"Reflecting on various aspects of life, including writing, setbacks, personal preferences, relationships, and openness to new experiences. They emphasize the importance of finding a balance between one's own authenticity and the needs and interests of others."

In response to

The Garden Dawdler — April 09, 2023

Meet Rory, an intriguing blogger who never runs out of questions to ask. Rory has been posing a set of nine questions every week that he aptly calls "The Garden Dawdler". With his inquisitive mind, he continues to captivate his readers with thought-provoking queries that stimulate their curiosity and inspire them to reflect on various aspects of life.

Image (screenshot) from Earthly Comforts

1. Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?

I believe it's a delicate balance between being original and delivering what readers want. As a writer, I want to express my unique voice and ideas, but I also want to connect with readers and provide them with what they enjoy. Ultimately, I think the best approach is to be true to myself while also being mindful of my audience's interests and needs. It's important to keep in mind that being original doesn't necessarily mean being inaccessible or unrelatable. By staying true to my authentic voice while also being attentive to my readers, I hope to strike that balance and create something that resonates with both myself and my audience.

2. Do you recover well from setbacks to your plans?

Sometimes I recover quickly, and other times it takes me longer. It really depends on the severity of the setback and my emotional state at the time. When things don't go according to plan, it's easy to feel frustrated or disappointed, but I try to remind myself that setbacks are a natural part of life and an opportunity for growth. I try to take a step back and assess the situation objectively, to see if there's anything I can learn or do differently moving forward. Ultimately, I believe that setbacks can be a source of resilience and that by facing them head-on and persevering, I can become stronger and more capable in the long run.

3. How did you meet your other half?

It was a chance encounter, a meeting that seemed destined to happen. I remember the day vividly as if it were yesterday. I was in a coffee shop, sitting alone with my laptop, working on a project when she walked in. Her eyes met mine, and there was an instant connection. We struck up a conversation, and it felt as if we had known each other for years. From that moment on, we were inseparable. We spent countless hours talking, getting to know each other, and falling in love. Looking back, I realize how lucky I am to have found my other half, my soulmate, in such an unexpected way. It just goes to show that sometimes the best things in life come when we least expect them.

4. What was your very first paid job/employment?

My very first paid job was as a cashier at a local grocery store. I remember feeling nervous on my first day and wondering if I would be able to handle the job. But as the day went on, I found myself getting more comfortable with the work and the routine. It was a valuable learning experience, and I gained many important skills like customer service, time management, and working under pressure. Looking back, I am grateful for the opportunity to have had that job, as it provided me with a solid foundation for my future career endeavors. It also taught me the value of hard work and earning a paycheck, which has stayed with me ever since.

5. What Do You Prefer: Fruits or Vegetables?

When asked about my preference between fruits and vegetables, I can't help but pause and ponder. On one hand, fruits are sweet, and juicy, and always seem to hit the spot when I'm craving something refreshing. But on the other hand, vegetables are full of essential nutrients and make me feel nourished and energized. It's a tough choice, really. Sometimes I crave the crunch of a fresh carrot or cucumber, while other times I want the sweetness of a ripe peach or juicy watermelon. In the end, I think it's all about balance and listening to my body's needs. Whether it's a colorful salad or a refreshing fruit smoothie, I know that both fruits and vegetables have a place in my diet and play an important role in helping me feel my best.

6. How open to new experiences and adventures are you?

I believe I am quite open to new experiences and adventures. I find that trying new things is essential for personal growth and helps me gain new perspectives on life. Whether it's traveling to a new place, trying a new hobby, or meeting new people, I am always eager to step out of my comfort zone and explore what the world has to offer. Of course, there are times when I feel hesitant or nervous about trying something new, but I try to push through those feelings and take the leap anyway. It's not always easy, but I believe that the rewards of new experiences and adventures are worth the risk. Overall, I would say that I am someone who embraces the unknown and is always seeking new opportunities to learn, grow, and expand my horizons.

7. Are you afraid or confident to speak your mind?

It's a complex question, and my answer may depend on the situation. Sometimes, I feel confident about expressing my views, especially when I feel passionate about a subject or when I'm sure that my opinion is backed by logic and evidence. However, other times, I'm afraid to speak my mind because I worry about the consequences. Perhaps I'm afraid of being misunderstood or of hurting someone's feelings. Maybe I'm afraid of being rejected or ostracized for my views. At times, I find it challenging to strike a balance between expressing myself and being mindful of others' feelings and opinions. It's a work in progress, and I'm learning to be more assertive yet respectful in my communication.

8. Does writing energize or exhaust you?

I find that writing can be both energizing and exhausting, depending on the context. When I am writing about something I am passionate about or something that I find inspiring, it can be an incredibly energizing experience. The act of putting my thoughts and ideas into words can be invigorating and even cathartic.

However, when I am writing under pressure or on a topic that I find dull or uninteresting, it can quickly become an exhausting experience. The mental effort required to stay focused and motivated can be draining, and I may find myself feeling drained or burnt out by the end of the process.

Ultimately, I believe that the energy I derive from writing comes down to my personal investment in the content and the circumstances surrounding the act of writing. If I am fully engaged and motivated, writing can be a powerful source of creative energy. But if I am feeling uninspired or unmotivated, it can quickly become a tiring and frustrating experience.

9. What do you think the best pizza topping is?

Well, that's a tough question. I think the best pizza topping depends on your personal preferences and mood. Sometimes I'm in the mood for something simple like just cheese and tomato sauce, while other times I want something more indulgent like pepperoni or sausage. I also love a good veggie pizza with lots of fresh veggies like mushrooms, peppers, and onions. And of course, there's always the classic Margherita with its perfect balance of tomato, basil, and mozzarella. So, I guess my answer would be that there is no single best pizza topping. It all depends on the day and what I'm in the mood for.


  1. Good morning Pankaj, sorry for my tardy response, l am never quite sure how time manages to pass so quickly from point A to Point B and yet every week it does :) I hope however this finds you well.

    Interesting and great answers to read and received with my thanks.

    Chance and opportunity do strike even the most innocent of cupids, l too met my other half by chance and not through any conventional manners. I also whole heartedly agree with you, that if you are passionate about what you are writing, it flies past and energizes if however you are not, the complete opposite.

    1. Hello there,

      No worries about the delayed response. Time does have a way of slipping away from us, doesn't it? I'm glad to hear that my answers were interesting and great to read. And it's wonderful to hear that you also met your other half by chance! Sometimes those unexpected encounters can lead to the most meaningful relationships.

      And yes, passion can definitely make a difference in writing. When you truly care about a topic, it shows in your work and can make the process much more enjoyable. On the flip side, writing about something you're not passionate about can be quite the struggle.

      Thanks for taking the time to respond, and I hope you're having a good day so far!

      Best regards. 😊


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