The Wise Choice

"Sometimes the wise choice is not the easiest, but it's always the right one."

In response to

RDP Friday! Wise

Sarah sat in the park, staring at the beautiful autumn leaves. It had been her favorite season since she was a little girl. She loved the colors, the scents, the cool air, and the sense of new beginnings.

As she sat, lost in thought, an elderly woman sat beside her. Sarah smiled politely and went back to her thoughts.

"I love this time of year," the woman said with a smile. "It's like nature is wiser than us. It knows when it's time to let go of things that no longer serve us."

Sarah looked at her, curious. "What do you mean?" she asked.

"Well, take those leaves for instance," the woman said, pointing to the colorful foliage. "They were once green and full of life, but now they've served their purpose. It's time for them to let go and make way for new growth."

Sarah was struck by the woman's wisdom. She had never thought about the changing seasons in that way. She realized that sometimes the things she held onto were like those leaves, no longer serving her, but still taking up space in her life.

"Thank you," Sarah said, turning to the woman. "You're very wise."

The woman smiled kindly. "I've lived a long time, my dear. I've learned a few things along the way."

Sarah sat in silence for a moment, contemplating the woman's words. She realized that wisdom wasn't just about knowledge or intelligence, but about understanding the natural ebb and flow of life. And as she sat there, surrounded by the beauty of the changing seasons, she felt grateful for the wise woman's words and the reminder that everything has its season.

"Wisdom is not solely attained through age, but also through the courage to embrace change and learn from it."


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